Discover an inner sanctuary where finitude touches infinitude!
The gap between body and soul narrows as the aging vantage point emerges.
Join us February 2, 2026 for National Anchor Your Heart Day at 3:00 PM EST. It will be preceded at 2:00 PM EST with a free 1-hour webinar on Self-Compassioning!
Click here to register: National Anchor Your Heart Day 2026
Welcome from Deborah Grassman Founder of Opus Peace
Workbook - please download and print. Follow the workbook instructions.
Anchor Your Heart - Please read and practice
Role Models for Aging: Creating Your Future Self
Developing an Exit Strategy, Advanced Directives & Letter Writing
Cultivating Wisdom: The Wise Elder
Crone Letter
“"...I have another birthday coming up soon. And I am now looking forward to it, that hasn't always been the case. When did I not only stop looking forward to birthdays, but started FEARING them? How did I come to believe that I should somehow find a way to look 20 years younger than I really am? This course reminded me to take a good look at my life; it made me reconsider the relationship I have with my aging self. I used some of the tools provided in this course, and with some repeat practice, here is what I discovered:----I've got a lot of miles on my odometer, and maybe I should be PROUD of them! I'm starting to become content to be WHO I am, and WHERE I am. -I can still look forward to what comes in my life, even thought my life is changing and is quite different than how it used to be. -Aging has something important to teach me if I have the COURAGE to listen. And something I hadn't expected...I'm actually becoming more at peace with myself."”