Why do we resist aging? 

Why do we pretend that not talking about the losses that accompany chronic illness will somehow make them seem not so bad? 

If aging or chronic illness is so fearful that you have to deny it, then aging has a lot of POWER over you. 

Would you be willing to consider that aging might:  

  • Be a mystery to be faced; not a puzzle to be solved  
  • Allow you to access knowledge you didn’t previously have   
  • Be shifted from an “interruption” in your life, to an opening that leads you into your life   

This course helps us learn how to befriend aging by confronting our arrogance that aging has nothing to teach us. You will discover how denial and shame cause you to be unfaithful to yourself. It is never too late to learn how to open up to who you are and who you are not. 

Join us February 2, 2025 for National Anchor Your Heart Day at 3:00 PM EST.  It will be preceded at 2:00 PM EST with a free 1-hour webinar on Self-Compassioning!

Click here to register: National Anchor Your Heart Day 2024

Course curriculum

    1. Workbook - please download and print. Follow the workbook instructions.

    1. Aging perceptions - mid and later life

    1. Anchor Your Heart - Please read and practice

    1. Resistance: Trying to Understand the Aging Journey

    1. Resistance 2: Ageism, Prejudice and the Media

    1. Accepting the FULL spectrum of the Life Cycle, Grieving vs. Mourning

    2. Loss Inventory Chart

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 12 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Course Instructor

Deborah Grassman


Few people have been with 10,000 dying veterans; Deborah Grassman is one VA hospice Nurse Practitioner who has. Dying veterans taught her lessons about how to attain personal peace. Ironically, those lessons came from people who had been trained for war! As a result, a phenomenon known as “Soul Injury” has now emerged as a relevant healthcare issue for the public. She contends that 10,000 dying veterans have lessons that the rest of us need to learn! Deborah is the author of two books, Peace at Last and The Hero Within. She is a contributing author for four textbooks, has 25 published articles, and there are 5 documentary films featuring her work.


“There's a small plaque on our refrigerator containing an Irish proverb that reads: 'Do not resent growing old. Many are denied the privilege.' .... This course gave me the tools to consciously enter the aging process – a process I needed to work through in order to enjoy the privilege of aging.”

Gordon Ruddick, Eugene, Oregon

Purchase this course today!

Take a step toward healing the relationship you have with yourself.