Did you know that ongoing stress exerts PTSD-like effects on your brain and nervous system?
“The body holds memories that
the conscious memory cannot recall.”
-Bessel Van Der Kolk MD
The Body Keeps the Score
Cumulative stress causes you to stop being curious about the world and instead become scared of it.
Take the Post-traumatic Stress Inventory to learn how stress is impacting you.
Use self-compassioning tools to cultivate the honesty, courage, and humility to re-vitalize your sense of BE-ing.

Annual Public Service Event

Join us February 2, 2026 for National Anchor Your Heart Day at 3:00 PM EST.  It will be preceded at 2:00 PM EST with a free 1-hour webinar on Self-Compassioning!

Click here to register: National Anchor Your Heart Day 2026

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome, Workbook and Instructions!

    1. Introduction to Stress, Trauma and the Brain

    1. Anchor Your Heart - Please read and practice

    1. Self-Compassion - Abide, Reckon & Be-Hold Overview - learn about or recap these 3 key Opus Peace underpinning concepts

    1. ITCLesson2PtsdBasicsCsHB

    2. Supplemental - Soul Injury-Moral Injury comparison chart

    3. Supplemental - Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory Chart

    1. Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder & Caregiver Distress

    2. Supplemental - Caregiver Self-Care Assessment

    3. Supplemental - Dr Bob Carrolls Story (Contains explicit detail)

    4. Supplemental - Nurse practitioner Kathi's Story

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Course Instructor

Deborah Grassman


Few people have been with 10,000 dying veterans; Deborah Grassman is one VA hospice Nurse Practitioner who has. Dying veterans taught her lessons about how to attain personal peace. Ironically, those lessons came from people who had been trained for war! As a result, a phenomenon known as “Soul Injury” has now emerged as a relevant healthcare issue for the public. She contends that 10,000 dying veterans have lessons that the rest of us need to learn! Deborah is the author of two books, Peace at Last and The Hero Within. She is a contributing author for four textbooks, has 25 published articles, and there are 5 documentary films featuring her work.

Purchase this course today!

Take a step toward healing the relationship you have with yourself.