Looking for a Tool to Re-Home Scattered Pieces of Yourself?
Self-compassionate letter writing helps you heal the relationship you have with yourself.
Join us February 2, 2026 for National Anchor Your Heart Day at 3:00 PM EST. It will be preceded at 2:00 PM EST with a free 1-hour webinar on Self-Compassioning!
Click here to register: National Anchor Your Heart Day 2026
Worksheet - download
Self-Compassionate Letter-Writing video
Self-Compassionate Letter-Writing - Feelings Chart
Reading - the Hero Within
Integrative Letter Writing - Book Chapter in The Hero Within by Deborah Grassman
“Therapeutic letter-writing really changed the relationship I have with myself. I thought compartmentalizing scattered pieces of myself worked really well because I knew where each piece was. I had never considered that I need to learn how to INTEGRATE the pieces of me. Writing to different pieces helped me realize that maybe the current Paul Alvey doesn’t yet understand the WHOLE Paul Alvey.”