Making Peace With Helplessness
CourseIn these lessons we’re going to explore a process called “Creative Cocooning” – a way to navigate the helplessness that occurs during transitions.
Dare to Forgive: A Self-Liberating Process
CourseThis course will help you discover the power of forgiveness so you can be liberated from the burdens of guilt, blame, and resentment.
SELF-COMPASSIONING: An Unburdening Process
CourseLearning how to extend love, tenderness, and grace to the "best version" of yourself as well as "worst version" is called "self-compassioning." It helps prevent hardships from turning into burdens.
Liberating Unmourned Loss and Hurt
CourseHave you ever taken a class on how to lose or how to fail? It seems like a ridiculous question, yet learning how to lose so we can come to peace with our failures and disappointments is the secret to preserving our passion.
Soul Injury Essentials
CourseThe Soul Injury wound is right in our midst. Until now, we haven't had a name for it. Without a name for it, we can't identify it or do anything about it...until now. Watch this video to hear people describe this kind of loss of identity.